New Year’s Eve at Le Challenger was an amazing way to ring in the new year. Great food, Great crowd, Great times…what could be better than that? THE DIRECTORS SHOWBAND delivered the goods to an extremely eager audience. Here’s some highlights from the evening… ———————————————————- To book The Directors Showband for your event Please contact […]
Check out this article from the Local herald featuring The Directors Showband written by Bram Eisenthal.PAGE 20 and 21 Open publication – Free publishing – More local herald ———————————————————- To book The Directors Showband for your event Please contact Tony at 514.926.4426 THE DIRECTORS SHOWBAND Unlike any other band in its class The […]
The Directors Showband were honored to aid in helping to raise funds for La Fondation des Amis de Massimo. Many children are diagnosed with autism and it is events like these that raise awareness and bring us one step closer to finding a cure. The event was held at the Embassy Plaza in Laval. […]