A look back at 2013… We’d like to thank all of our clients and suppliers for a stellar year ! Thank you for believing in us . We treasure each and every moment. We look forward to celebrating with you all in 2014. For now, this one’s for you 🙂 Music Credit: Treasure by Bruno […]
As wedding season winds down and the holiday season around the corner, we thought we would share a few pics from some recent events. Stay tuned for the Director’s recap coming soon to a theater near you! Book THE DIRECTORS SHOWBAND Call Tony: 514.926.4426 www.thedirectors.ca Join our family on FACEBOOK Follow us on Twitter @DIRECTORSMTL […]
The Directors Showband have been in hiding over the past several months preparing for a very busy upcoming 2010. New music, a new vibe and a new outlook. The Directors Showband would like to take this opportunity to welcome Joe Marsillo, the newest member to the band and a perfect addition to the already existing […]